Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Summer Orientation

Welcome, Freshmen, to your first days at Scranton!!  Summer Orientation is officially underway here and the campus is in a flurry of activity.  We only began Orientation 2013 just yesterday but so far, all of my interactions with students and parents have only reaffirmed that our community truly boasts the most interesting, kind and wonderful people anywhere.  I feel privileged to have such a wide window into the lives of so many unique individuals.  I have continually been impressed by the passion and enthusiasm I have encountered in the Class of 2017!  Thank you to all the wonderful students and parents who have shared their stories with me.  I am exited and  honored to be able to help you write the next chapter of that tale!  All of us in the CAS Advising Center look forward to meeting the entire incoming class in the days ahead. If you haven't made it to Scranton for summer orientation yet, here is a little of what you can expect from the College of Arts and Science Academic Advising Center when you arrive!


A face to a name: Kevin Abbot and Katie Robinson

On Day One of every session, Kevin Abbott and I are working check-in between 8am and 9am.  The Orientation folks have divided you into groups based upon your major or area of study.  If you have had an epiphany and have decided you want to change or declare your major, stop in and see us in the morning so we can be certain that you are in the orientation program that is tailored to your specific information needs!  We are also there to answer any general academic questions or just to meet you if you want to stop and say hi!  We will be seated in DeNaples Hall on the 1st floor near the stairs!  You can also meet reps from other AACs!

Group Advising

At 3:15pm on Day One of every session, either a professional advisor or a faculty advisor will be leading an advising session for your entire group.  During this hour, we will be providing valuable information about your fall class schedule and your transition to academics at Scranton.

Individual Advising

On various times on both Day One and Day Two, all freshman in CAS will be meeting one-on-one with an academic advisor.  This is an opportunity for you to learn about your placement test results, adjust your schedule, change your academic program, obtain information about services at Scranton and get to know faculty and staff!  This experience is crucial for students and advisors alike so don't miss it!

Post Orientation

The CAS Academic Advising Center stays open all summer.  If you have questions or want to make adjustments after orientation, we are here to help!

Looking forward to working together!  Follow our blog for updates about the Advising Center move and the academic information that matters most to you!!

Katie Robinson
CAS Academic Advisor