Over the course of the last couple weeks, the CAS Advisors have been sifting through registration difficulties to help you get the most ideal schedule possible. However, if you received the "reserve closed" error during registration, there wasn't very much we could do to help you...until today!!
What does it mean if I receive the "reserve closed" message?
Many majors offered at the University of Scranton require specific courses to be taken at specific times during a student's academic career. Not getting these classes by a certain point could place a student in peril of not graduating on time. Therefore, to ensure that this does not happen and that all University of Scranton students have a fair opportunity to graduate in four years, departments temporarily reserve seats in required classes for their declared majors and minors. Students are generally granted one week after Freshmen Registration to claim their reserved seats.
The Reservations Have Been Removed!
For most classes, reservations are being removed today. The process officially began at 8:30am but may not be completed until later in the day. If you think the reservation should have been removed from a class but you are still unable to register for it, you can call our Assistant Dean, Mrs. Butler at 570-941-7562 or email her at gina.butler@scranton.edu to seek additional information.
Not all reserves get removed. Some sections have seats reserved for incoming freshman. Others are reserved for seniors only. These seats will continue to be reserved.
I Have a Problem You Didn't Mention!
If you have any other issues, please let us know! We are aware of certain concerns, such as the fact that organic chemistry is closed, and we are working with department chairs to address them, but you should email me so I am aware of your situation. If you are holding out for a particular professor or time in any class, grab a seat in a less ideal section and email the advising center to get your name added to the wish list. We check course enrollments each day and if we see an open seat and you are next on the list, we will add you to the course. It's a long summer and people change majors, leave the university or realize that they no longer are permitted to continue in certain classes. Seats may open up!
Katie Robinson
CAS Academic Advisor
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